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How to Stop a Vape From Auto Firing

Vaping is a popular and enjoyable way to experience different e-liquid flavours and produce huge clouds of vapour. However, like any electronic device, vape kits can sometimes encounter issues, a particularly concerning one being auto firing. This is when the vape device activates and begins to fire without any input from the user, leading to potential safety concerns and burnt coils. In the event of an auto firing vape device, it’s important that you stop using the e-cigarette immediately.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to troubleshoot or prevent the issue. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to prevent auto firing and ensure a smooth vaping experience.

What Exactly is Auto Firing?

Auto firing, also known as vape auto firing, is a concerning issue that can occur in vaping devices, including vape kits, disposable vapes, and pod devices. It refers to a situation whereby a vape device activates and begins to fire without any intentional action or input from the user.

Normally, when a vaper wants to take a puff, they press the fire button or activate the device through an auto draw sensor (commonly found in pod systems). The device then heats up the coil, vaporises the e-liquid, and produces the desired vapour for inhalation. However, in auto firing, this process occurs spontaneously and unexpectedly, even when the user is not touching or drawing from the device.

Is Vape Auto Firing Common?

Vape auto firing is not extremely common these days as vape technology has improved, but it can still occur with some vaping devices, including vape kits, disposable vapes, and pod devices. The prevalence of auto firing can vary depending on the quality of the device, the manufacturer’s design, and how well the user maintains the device.

What Causes Auto Firing?

Auto firing can occur in both disposable vapes and regular vaping devices for a variety of reasons. Some common culprits include poor connections between the battery and the coil, chip malfunctions, or a faulty auto draw sensor in pod devices. Extreme temperatures can also lead to issues, causing the e-liquid to thin and seep into the firing button or battery contacts. In some cases, a defective battery could be the root cause. Regardless of the reason, experiencing auto firing can be concerning and you should stop using the device immediately if it happens.

Is it Dangerous if Your Vape Starts Firing On its Own?

Yes, it can be dangerous if your vape starts firing on its own. Auto firing poses several risks and potential hazards, some of which include:

Safety Concerns: The primary concern with auto firing is safety. If your vape device starts firing unexpectedly, it can lead to accidental burns or injuries, especially if you are not prepared to handle the hot coil or mouthpiece.

Fire Hazard: Continuous firing of the coil can generate excessive heat, potentially causing the e-liquid or other flammable materials in the vicinity to catch fire. This can be especially dangerous if the device is left unattended.

Burnt Coils and Foul Taste: Auto firing can result in burnt coils and a foul taste when vaping. The constant heating without inhaling can lead to overheating and degradation of the coil, affecting the quality of your vaping experience.

Damage to Vaping Device: Auto firing can put unnecessary stress on the components of your vape device, leading to premature wear and tear. It may cause damage to the battery, chip, or other internal parts.

To ensure your safety and prevent potential dangers, it is crucial to address the auto firing issue promptly. But how exactly can you troubleshoot and fix the problem? Let’s look at how to deal with an auto firing vape in some more detail.

Check Your Firing Button

Sometimes, you might encounter issues with the firing button being fiddly, sticking when pressed, or getting stuck in place. Auto firing happens occasionally as a result of fire button issues, so checking the button is a good first step. You may need to clean any gunk and residue around the button which may be causing it to get stuck and cause the auto fire issues. Take your time and use a toothpick or a slim tool to carefully remove any residue. Wipe away the scraped-off residue and try gently pressing the button to restore its smooth motion.

Check Your Coils

Sometimes, an old or worn-out coil can lead to auto firing problems. If you’re using a rebuildable coil, ensure that it’s properly installed and not touching any other metal parts. If it’s a pod system, consider replacing the coil with a new one to see if that resolves the issue.

Review Your Settings

If your vaping device allows for different settings, make sure you haven’t inadvertently set it to a high temperature or power that could cause auto firing. Lowering the voltage or wattage might help to prevent this issue. If a lower voltage doesn’t solve the problem, move on to the next step.

Replace the Battery

In some cases, a faulty battery might be the cause of auto firing. If you’ve tried the above steps and the problem persists, consider replacing the battery with a new one from a reputable source. Accidental damage to the battery can also cause auto firing, so handle your vape device with care.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Another preventative measure is to avoid leaving your vape device in places with extreme temperatures, as this can lead to auto firing. Store it in a cool, safe place and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or excessive heat.

Clean the Device

Regular cleaning is essential to keep your vaping device in top shape. To prevent auto firing, start by disassembling the device carefully. Use a cotton bud or toothpick to clean any gunk around the battery contacts and firing button. This will remove any debris or excess e-liquid that might be causing the issue.

Replace Defective Parts

If you’ve tried all the above steps and the auto firing continues, it may be time to replace certain parts of your device. Look for replacement parts that are compatible with your vape kit to ensure optimal performance.

In most cases, following the above steps should prevent auto firing and provide you with a safe and enjoyable vaping experience. However, if the issue persists, we recommend reaching out to the manufacturer or a qualified vape technician for further assistance. Remember, safety should always be a top priority when dealing with any vaping device, so pay particular attention to maintaining your device properly and handling it with care.

What if My Disposable Vape Starts Auto Firing?

So far, we’ve mostly looked at more advanced vape kits and pods kits, but did you know that disposable vapes can auto fire too? If you experience an auto fire issue with a disposable vape pen, it’s important that you stop using it immediately and dispose of it in a safe manner. Don’t throw it into a regular bin; it could be a fire hazard if the device auto fires and becomes too hot. Instead, consult with your local vape shop which likely has a safe vape disposal programme.

Don’t worry – disposable vape auto firing isn’t very common at all. Auto fire problems are more common with pod kits or with older vape mods that were less well designed.


While auto firing issues can arise in some vaping devices, it’s essential to remember that with proper care and attention, these problems can be easily avoided.

Taking the time to clean and maintain your vape kits, checking coils for wear and tear, and using high-quality, reputable products can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering auto firing. Regularly inspecting your device and promptly addressing any concerns can help you enjoy a seamless vaping journey without unexpected mishaps.

Vaping can be a delightful way to explore various e-liquid flavours, produce impressive clouds, and enjoy the nuances of the vaping world. By prioritising safety and implementing the tips provided in this guide, you can confidently embrace the pleasure of vaping while ensuring your device operates smoothly and securely.

At Legion of Vapers, we are dedicated to promoting a safe and enjoyable vaping culture. As your trusted vape kit experts, we encourage you to follow these guidelines to prevent auto firing problems and elevate your vaping experience to new heights. If you are looking to find your new favourite vape device, browse our wide selection of vape kits and mods.

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