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Can You Change a Vape Coil With Juice In The Tank?

Maintaining your device is crucial for an optimal vaping experience. A common question that arises for many vapers is whether it’s possible to change or replace a vape coil while there’s still some vape juice still in the tank. This article aims to shed light on this topic, offering insights and guidance to enhance your experience in the vaping world, and helping you to change your vape coil properly, whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer.

Understanding Vape Coils and Maintenance

The vape coil is a fundamental component of any vaping device, playing a critical role in heating the e-liquid and producing vapour. Regular maintenance of the vape coil is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity for ensuring the best vaping experience. The lifespan of a coil varies depending on factors like the type of device, frequency of use, and the e-liquid’s properties. Understanding the specifics of your device’s coil and its maintenance requirements is key to uninterrupted and satisfying vaping sessions.

The Challenge: Changing Coils with Juice Still in the Tank

Replacing a vape coil with juice still in the tank presents a unique challenge. While it’s relatively straightforward to change a coil that’s slightly damp with residual e-liquid, the task becomes more complicated with a full tank. Most vaping devices are not designed for coil replacement when the tank is full, as this can disrupt the seals and potentially lead to e-liquid leakage into critical parts of the device. However, this doesn’t mean it’s always impossible. The feasibility of such a replacement largely depends on the specific design and construction of your vaping kit. It requires a careful approach and a thorough understanding of your device to avoid any mishaps.

Disassembling the Vape Tank

Before you embark on changing the coil, the first step is disassembling your vape tank. This is crucial for accessing the coil’s heating surface and ensuring a clean and efficient coil change. The process varies slightly depending on the type of tank – some have a screw-on base, while others might use a press-fit design. Carefully unscrew the tank from the vape device and remove the top or bottom part to expose the coil. Remember, proper disassembly not only facilitates easier coil replacement but also helps in preventing any damage to your device.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Coil

Changing a vape coil without emptying the tank requires careful handling to avoid spillage and wastage of e-liquid:

  1. Stabilise the Tank: Keep your vape device upright to minimise the risk of juice spillage. If possible, use a holder or stand to secure it.
  2. Access the Coil: Carefully unscrew the tank to access the coil. Depending on your device, the coil might be accessible from the top or the bottom. For top-access vape tanks, you can often replace the coil without disturbing the e-liquid.
  3. Carefully Remove the Old Coil: Gently unscrew the old coil. If the coil is at the bottom, you might need to carefully tilt the device to keep the e-liquid away from the opening.
  4. Prepare the New Coil: Prime the new coil by applying a small amount of e-liquid directly to the cotton wicks. This step is essential to prevent dry hits and ensures immediate saturation.
  5. Install the New Coil: Screw the new coil into place. Be gentle to avoid cross-threading. For bottom-coil systems, quickly flip the tank back to its upright position after the new coil is installed to prevent e-liquid from flowing out.
  6. Check for Leaks: Once the new coil is installed and the tank is reassembled, check for any signs of leakage. If there are no leaks, you are ready to vape again.

Recommendations for Different Types of Devices

While the general approach to changing coils without wasting e-liquid remains similar across devices, some specific considerations can vary:

Pod Systems:

For pod devices with built-in coils, replace the entire pod. For a pod system with replaceable coils, ensure the pod is upright during the change.

Open-System Tanks:

If the tank’s design allows, replace the coil while maintaining the tank in an upright position to prevent juice spillage.

Disposable Vape Pods:

No coil change is needed with disposable vape kits, as the battery and entire unit is disposed of after use.

Precautions and Tips

Before you dive into replacing your vape coil with juice still in the tank, it’s important to keep in mind some key precautions, instructions and tips. These guidelines will help you navigate the process smoothly, ensuring both the safety of your device and the quality of your vaping experience. Here’s what you need to consider:

  1. Maintain Upright Position: Always keep the tank upright during the coil replacement process to prevent e-liquid spillage.
  2. Clean Hands and Workspace: Ensure your hands and workspace are clean to avoid contaminating the device or e-liquid.
  3. Inspect Seals and O-Rings: Regularly check and replace any worn-out seals or O-rings to prevent leaks, especially after a coil change.
  4. Gentle Handling: Be careful not to over-tighten the coil or tank components to avoid damaging the device.
  5. Prime the New Coil: Apply e-liquid to the new coil’s wick before installation to ensure immediate saturation and prevent dry hits. Priming the coil helps to ensure that the wick doesn’t burn.
  6. Check for Leaks: After changing the coil, check for any signs of leakage and address them immediately.
  7. Proper Disposal of Old Coils: Dispose of used coils responsibly, considering environmental impact.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite best efforts, vapers may encounter issues when changing coils with juice in the tank. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Difficult to Unscrew Coil: If the coil is too tight and difficult to unscrew, try using a cloth or rubber grip for better leverage. Ensure you’re turning it in the correct direction.
  2. Leakage During Replacement: If you notice leakage during the process, quickly tighten any loose parts and ensure the coil is properly seated. If the tank is overfilled, consider draining a small amount of juice to reduce pressure.
  3. Coil Not Fitting Properly: Ensure you have the correct coil for your device. Misfitting can occur with the wrong size or type of coil. Double-check the specifications if you’re unsure.
  4. E-Liquid Tasting Burnt Post-Change: This often happens if the new vape coil isn’t properly primed. To resolve, ensure you’re saturating the wick of the new coil thoroughly with e-liquid before use.
  5. No Vapour Production: If your device isn’t producing vapour post-change, this could indicate that the coil immediately needs to be checked for proper connection. Also, verify that the device is turned on and the battery is charged.

By being prepared to handle these common issues, you can make the coil replacement process smoother and more efficient.


In conclusion, changing or replacing a vape coil with juice still in the tank is indeed feasible, albeit with careful handling and an understanding of your device’s specifics. This guide has walked you through the nuances of maintaining your vape’s performance without wasting precious e-liquid. By following the outlined steps and adhering to the device-specific recommendations, you can efficiently change your vape coil, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable vaping experience. Remember, the key to successful coil replacement lies in gentle handling, understanding your device’s design, and adhering to safety precautions. Embrace these practices to continue enjoying your vape liquid and vaping journey with minimal disruption and maximum satisfaction.

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