Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 24mm RDA
An updated version of the classic Dead Rabbit RDA, the Dead Rabbit V2 from Hellvape has exciting new features. Sharing the same build deck configuration as the original (with the famous dead rabbit ear posts to build on!), the new version adds a new airflow control for a more customisable vaping experience. With an anti-microbial and anti-bacterial 610 wide-bore AG+ drip tip, you can enjoy superior and clean vaping.
Built from stainless steel, this is a durable and long-lasting RDA from Hellvape. This can resist the damage of impact from light to moderate drops, meaning that this model can last a long time.
Let’s zoom in on the impressive new airflow system that Hellvape has created. Designed to ventilate directly to your coils, the two-tiered airflow control system has outer twin stacked wide slotted airflow and an adjustable inner downward guided airflow with 12 airflow holes. The angled design allows the inlets to be set higher, reducing the chance of e-liquid leaks, and the barrel’s locking feature ensures that coils and inlets are always in alignment. The inlets also have slot or honeycomb options – rotate the barrel to easily switch between the two.
With these innovative airflow design features, cloud-chasing vapers can enjoy massive, dense clouds and intense flavours. Try the Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 RDA today to find your new favourite rebuildable.
24mm diameter
Coil configuration
Single or dual build
Top adjustable airflow with honeycomb or slot airflow inlet options
Drip tip
810 drip tip with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties
Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 RDA Features
Easy to build on deck with rabbit ear posts
Adjustable 12 multi-hold airflow system with downward airflow
Deep juice wells for e-liquid
304 superior stainless steel construction makes this a durable and resilient RDA
Quad post build deck with one terminal per post
Side secured via hex screws
Gold plated positive posts
PEEK insulator block
Dual coil configuration
810 Hellvape AG+ drip tip
Squonk ready BF pin 510
Gold-plated 510 connection pin
Twin stacked dual slotted airflow mid cap
Leak resistant
Barrel lock and slide feature directs airflow to centre of coils
Larger juice well than the original Dead Rabbit
It comes with
1x Hellvape RDA
1x User Manual
1x Sticker
1x Box of Accessories
Frequently asked questions
What e-liquid should I vape with the Dead Rabbit V2?
The Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 RDA is best used with a high-VG e-liquid such as a shortfill. These vape juices which are high in Vegetable Glycerine provide denser clouds of vapour and amazing performance at high wattages and with your handmade or pre-built sub-ohm coils.
What’s better: squonking or dripping with an RDA?
This comes down to personal preference. Dripping e-liquid onto your coils between puffs can be a hassle when trying to vape, although many vapers find that it provides superior clouds and flavours. On the other hand, squonking using the bottom-feed pin and a squonk mod can be easier if you like the vape on the go – there’s no need to carry separate bottles of e-liquid or stop vaping to drip more juice. Regardless of which you choose, the Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 provides an excellent dripping or squonking experience.
Can I use pre-built coils with the Dead Rabbit V2 RDA?
Yes, you can opt for pre-built or handmade coils for this rebuildable dripping atomiser. Find your preferred pre-made coils or coil wire on our rebuildable coils page, featuring all the best coil materials from Vapefly, Wotofo, and Vandy Vape.
What’s the difference between an RDA and RTA?
Hellvape is known for making high quality RDAs and RTAs, but what are the differences between the two?
RTAs, or Rebuildable Tank Atomisers, are rebuildable atomisers with a tank to hold your e-liquid. The tank is located below the build deck and the tails of the wicking material fall into it so that the liquid can saturate into the cotton. These are considered easier to use than RDAs but do not perform as well.
RDAs, or Rebuildable Dripping Atomisers, have no tank and instead only have a small juice well. This means that you have to drip e-liquid directly onto the coils before you vape. As a result, it’s easier to change the e-liquid flavour used in an RDA because there’s no need to clean out a tank.
If you’re looking for a high quality RTA, try the Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA or the Hellvape Dead Rabbit Solo RTA.
Robert Slusarczyk –
I bought the rda last week, and am happy with it, its not bad