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How To Fix ‘No Atomizer’ And ‘Check Atomizer’ On Your Vape

So you’re going about your business when you pull out your vape and try to take a puff. But when you take a closer look, you notice that your vape is showing a ‘no atomizer’ or a ‘check atomizer’ error. If you’re a new vaper, a vague warning like this might have you scratching your head in confusion. Although this can be frustrating, it’s not an unsolvable situation.

In this handy little guide, we’ll walk you through troubleshooting and potentially fixing this error on your vape. That way, the next time your vape is acting up, you’ll know exactly what to do! So, let’s jump right in.

Understanding The Error Message On Your Vape

First things first: What does ‘no atomizer’ mean? Well, it’s important to understand that whether your battery or the display on your box vape mod gives you a ‘check atomizer’ or ‘no atomizer’ message, it’s essentially the same error.

Generally, this message means that there’s an issue between the device and the coil or atomizer head. This could be because of a poor connection, a faulty coil, or other related issues.

Check The Connections

The first thing you’ll want to do is troubleshoot the connection point on your vape mod:

  1. Check the tank connection point: Examine the 510 connection point on your tank. You should look for a contact point that sticks out. On older tank models, you’ll find a point on the contact point for a flathead screwdriver. Gently unscrew it.
  2. Make sure there’s proper contact: Check that your vape tank or pod is connected properly to the battery or vape mod. Remove the tank or pod from the device and then completely reconnect it.
  3. Check atomizer head installation: Carefully remove the base of the vape tank, making sure it isn’t full of vape juice to avoid leaking. You can then check that the vape coil is screwed into the base of the tank correctly.
  4. Inspect the 510 connector: Unscrew the tank from the vape mod and inspect the 510 connection. If it looks like it’s pushed in too much, this could be the cause of the issue. A lot of 510 connectors have spring-loaded contact points. If it’s stuck, gently push down on it and use a screwdriver to help reset it.


Sometimes a ‘check atomiser’ warning may pop up if your vapes 510 connection is dirty or blocked up. You can clean the 510 connection on your device and potentially resolve the ‘check atomizer’ issue by following these steps:

Clean the 510 connection on your vape mod:

  1. Remove the tank.
  2. Make sure there is no debris on the threads or metal plate of the connector.
  3. Use a clean piece of paper towel to gently clean the top of the plate.
  4. Carefully screw the tank back onto your mod.

Clean the 510 connection on your vape tank:

  1. Examine the connection at the base of your tank.
  2. Using a clean paper towel, wipe any e-liquid or dust from the base plate.

Inspect The Coils

Next, you’ll want to check out the vape coils. An improperly seated coil can trigger an error, so you’ll want to remove the coil from the tank and reconnect it. It should ideally sit flush without tilting on either side.

In some cases, completely removing the coil and then connecting it properly can help. To do this, you can disassemble the tank as you would when you’re changing the coil. Once you’ve unscrewed it, give it a clean before reassembling the coil correctly.

If you still get an error, you may need to replace your vape coil. Sometimes even a new coil can be faulty! Additionally, you’ll always want to make sure to replace worn-out or burnt coils to avoid damaging your device.

Adjust The Pin

Adjustable contact points or pins are extremely important for proper connections between mods and tanks. Here’s how you can adjust them:

Device/mod side:

  1. Turn off your device or remove the battery
  2. Adjust the 510 connection with a screwdriver or your fingers
  3. Make sure that the 510 connection is flush with the threading before you reattach the atomizer head

Atomizer/ tank side:

  1. Disassemble the atomizer and find the pin in the 510 threading
  2. Use a screwdriver to adjust the pin
  3. Make sure the pin extends enough to make proper contact with the mod’s connector

Check The Mod Settings

Checking the mod settings on your device is crucial for error-free vaping. Generally, different types of atomizers and coils require specific modes for optimal performance. That means you should always verify the mode (wattage, temperature control, etc.), make adjustments, and confirm the coil resistance. You can also test the settings, as trial and error can help you to find your vaping sweet spot.

Clean And Maintain The Device

You should make sure to clean your vape regularly to keep it in tip-top shape. Dust and residue can actually disrupt connections, which can cause error messages. When you’re cleaning your vape, you can use these steps as part of your cleaning routine:

  1. Disconnect the relevant parts
  2. Gently clean all of the connections and threads
  3. Check the drip tip
  4. Inspect the O-rings
  5. Reassemble your vape carefully
  6. Test your vape to make sure it’s working properly

Test Another Atomizer

Testing your device with another atomizer can help you to isolate the problem. So, to help you get rid of this error, you’ll want to choose a new atomizer, clean and attach it, and then test it out. If you use a new atomizer head and you still get the same message, then the problem may be with the device itself rather than the atomizer.

Firmware Updates

In some cases, you may just need to update your device’s firmware. This can help to boost performance and fix certain issues and errors that may pop up. To ensure your vape’s firmware is up to date, you can use these easy steps:

  1. Check if updates are available on the manufacturer’s site.
  2. Only download the official firmware.
  3. Connect your device and install the new firmware.
  4. Disconnect your vape and turn it on to confirm that it has been updated successfully.

Final Thoughts

Vaping technology, like any other, is prone to occasional glitches and hiccups. The ‘No Atomizer’ and ‘Check Atomizer’ messages, although alarming at first, are common indicators that something might be wrong with your vape’s connection or the condition of your device’s atomizer.

By following the troubleshooting steps we’ve discussed, from ensuring a clean connection to checking for defective parts, you can often quickly solve the issue and get back to enjoying your vape experience. Always remember, that regular maintenance and proper care of your vaping device can help prevent such issues and prolong the lifespan of your equipment.

If you’ve gone through our troubleshooting and fix guide and you’re still struggling with a ‘check atomizer’ or ‘no atomizer’ message, then we’re here to help. At Legion of Vapers, we’re committed to helping you get the most out of your vaping experience. Our team is made up of highly trained vaping experts and we’re ready to give you all the expert advice you need. So don’t hesitate to contact us!

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